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Interesting Article in Scientific American

Hi Friends!

Life has been busy of late, so it's been tough to write as much as I'd like to.  Wait, who am I kidding, life is always busy!  In any event, I wanted to take this moment to just quickly share an article that a friend recently shared with me, that addresses the importance of music in childhood development and education.

If you are remotely involved or interested in music, you have undoubtedly heard at one point in time over the years about the importance of music, and the arts in general, in a child's education.  This is a topic I have been particularly concerned with for a long time, particularly as schools are increasingly slashing budgets and classes related to music programs.  I hope to find time in the future to personally do some more research and write my own article on the topic; however, in the meantime, a substantial amount of research and studies have been performed, and there is extensive information out there that is worth reading. So don't hold your breath waiting for my article!  :)

The article I wanted to share with you today, is one I thought was worth reading.  Recently published in Scientific American"Hearing the Music, Honing the Mind" is a brief article reinforcing the benefits of children being exposed to music at an early age, not only in school, but at home.

Feel free to leave comments with your thoughts!

Musically yours,

P.S. Don't forget to check out Archbishop Prendergast's production of "Annie," which opens this weekend and runs through next weekend!  There are lots of children in the show, demonstrating first-hand how we can get our kids involved in music!  How do you like that plug?? :)

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