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Jazz Up Your Week!

Hi Friends!

I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.  Just wanted to check in and let you know about a few upcoming performances/jam sessions in Philly this week, if you're interested in checking out some live jazz to close out the month of September!

This Tuesday night, 23rd Street Cafe hosts its weekly Jazz Jam Session, from 7:30 pm - 11:30 pm.  The House Trio features "Father John" D'Amico on piano, "Big Jim" Dofton on drums, and Kenny Davis on bass. This establishment is open only on Tuesday nights for the Jazz Jam, and is free to the public.
After hitting up 23rd Street, shoot on over to the Victor North Jazz Jam at Chris' Jazz Cafe, from 10:30 pm - 2 am.

On Wednesday night,  check out Grey Lounge'Jazz Jam, from 8 pm - 11:30 pm.  This is also a weekly event!  Musicians are welcome to join the House Band (formerly of Ortliebs), commonly known as "The Philly Rhythm Section," for the second and third sets.  Band members include:  Byron Landham on drums, Sid Simmons on piano, and Mike Boone on bass.  Parking is free, and the lounge offers a Mediterranean-themed menu if you plan on bringing your appetite.

If you're itching to get out on a Thursday, a reminder that Jump City Jazz Orchestra will be performing two sets at Le Cochon Noir, from 8 pm - 10 pm the last Thursday of every month (that's this week!).  Close out the month of September right with some great jazz music and an upscale BBQ menu, and be sure to BYO!

I'm going to try to make it out to a few of these, and hope to see you there, too!  Enjoy the last week of September!

Musically yours,


My Take on "The 'Jazz Boyfriend' and Your Musical Litmus Tests for Compatibility"

"loving music in general — whether actively pursuing new sounds, regularly going to concerts or even making it at some level — that's very important to me. I don't know about the rest of y'all: I don't think I could ever be in a relationship where the other person doesn't care for music even remotely as much as I do."

I know it's been a little while--life has been busy lately. My sincerest apologies!  I hope you all enjoyed the end of summer and are ready for fall to begin!

It's not often that I write personal entries, nor do I typically "re-blog," but in this entry, I'm going to do both!  It was last month actually when I came across a blog about jazz, "A Blog Supreme", while perusing NPR music's website.  Of course this was right up my alley, so I started reading, and found an entry that I swear I could have written myself, entitled "The 'Jazz Boyfriend' and Your Musical Litmus Tests for Compatibility."  Although I suppose had I written it, it would be titled "The 'Jazz Girlfriend'...etc."  Anyway, the gist of the post, or at least what I got out of it was, is it possible for someone so seriously into music to date someone so seriously not?  The deeper I read, the more I loved this post!

When it comes to people's opinions on whether it's best to have lots in common with your significant other, or whether "opposites" really do "attract," there is no consensus.  I have heard both sides of it, from some of the older and wiser in my group of friends and family, and have come to the conclusion that I lean toward the former, with sharing a love for music being a critical quality.  Take it from someone who was in a six-year relationship with a great person who knew nothing about music.  Of course there were other disconnects there, and I won't get anymore personal here, but it was very hard for me to accept the music thing, and I suppose I never really did.  Thus, here I am today :) But I digress.

I cannot stress how important it is to me to be able to come home after work and be able to turn on some tunes, whether it be jazz, classical, classic rock, oldies, Sinatra, whatever and know that the person cooking dinner with me is enjoying it as much as I am. Or to be able to come home from a gig and vent about how terrible it was and why, or how the trumpets were so out of tune, or (because I actually don't complain that much!) how great a performance was, how so-and-so nailed his solo, or how challenging a piece of music is... the list could go on!  Or just to be able to have an intelligent discussion about anything music-related and have the person on the other end actually be engaged in the conversation.  (This applies to subjects other than music too, by the way.)  I guess the quote at the top of this post basically sums up how I feel, really.

Now, the Eric Dolphy test would be a little much, even for me (though I almost choked on my coffee when I read that part, for other reasons not to be elaborated on here, and maybe never), I would say that I definitely do now have a "litmus test," in a way, when it comes to meeting someone.  If we can talk about music for more than two minutes, and it's a good conversation--he gets it... or even better, if he is musician himself, then there's at least a chance I might connect with this person!  Of course a music connection is not the only thing that is important to me to have a successful relationship, but being at the point in my life where I mostly know what I want, it's a huge one for me.  A "deal breaker," even.  But if you know me very well, you knew that already ;)

So, out of curiosity, I'll ask the same question of you musicians out there that the post on A Blog Supreme asked: how do you "pre-screen" your dates for musical compatibility?  Or does it even matter to you?  Feel free to leave comments!!



Hello friends!

Hard to believe it's September already!  "Ba de ya... say do you remember..." sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I will admit, I am sad to see summer go, but I think I am ready for my favorite of all the seasons to arrive... fall!  Not only does fall mean lovely weather (particularly for running), pumpkin spiced lattes at Starbucks, 

pumpkin/apple picking at Linvilla, 

and my favorite holiday...

but fall is also the time of year when music season picks up! Which means I will be keeping busy rehearsing and performing, and attending some exciting performances as well. I promise to keep you updated on all the latest and greatest, and hope to see you out at some shows.

For now, I wanted to share with you all a clip from last week's performance of Jump City Jazz Orchestra at Le Cochon Noir.  (I also posted just a couple new pictures to my "Photos" page of this blog, for those of you who are interested.)  As I have mentioned in the past, JCJO plays there the last Thursday of each month for "Big Band Thursdays", with the next performance scheduled for Thursday, September 30.  The band plays two sets, starting at 8 pm, and there is no cover!  Just come out and enjoy some great BBQ cuisine and the fine music of Jump City.  And my company, as I will likely be there showing my support!  :)

Also, don't forget to check out the Philly Fringe Festival, which is going on throughout Philadelphia starting this Friday, September 3, with performances by various artists running through Saturday, September 18.  As I wrote last month, I will be performing on clarinet as part of a woodwind quintet (+ piano) for five performances of Mike Dutka's original children's opera, The Crowded House.  Performances will run from September 9 - 12 at The Lantern Theater Company, St. Stephen's Theater. For details about the show and to purchase tickets, click here.  

So Happy Fall, Labor Day, "Back to School", etc. to all--I hope everyone's season gets off to a fabulous start!